Average Salary by State and Job Type

Have you ever wondered how your salary compares to other Americans in your state, or other states? This article looks at the average salary for common jobs by state, exploring reasons for why states might have different salary ranges, and how those average salaries have changed over time in the U.S.
Key statistics
- The median household income in the U.S. is $74,580 as of 2022, while the average per capita income is $65,470.
- According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, wages in the U.S. increased 5.97% in June of 2023 compared to the same month in the previous year.
- The purchasing power of today's average hourly wage is almost the same as it was in 1978. Adjusted for inflation, wages have been relatively stagnant since the 1980s, with little real growth.
- Women’s full-time median salary ($52,208) amounts to 84% of men’s full-time median salary ($62,868).
- The average teacher salary across the U.S. is $62,812. New York offers the highest teacher salary ($92,222) while Mississippi offers the lowest ($47,162).
- An average attorney's salary in the U.S. is $84,971; New York offers the highest salary for attorneys at $130,648, while Arkansas offers the lowest at less than half of that in New York ($59,520).
- Registered nurses in 2022 earned an average of $78,245 across the U.S., California offers the highest salary at $124,000 on average, more than double the lowest salary in South Dakota ($60,540).
- A professor’s average salary is $146,987, but they earn the most in California ($184,725), and the least in Hawaii ($106,075).
- A typical accountant in the U.S. will earn an average salary of $49,954; New York has the highest-paid accountants ($68,366), but those working in Hawaii will earn the least ($38,954).
What is the average salary in each state in the U.S?
According to the most recent Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC) conducted by the Census Bureau, as of 2022, the median household income is $74,580. [1] Income in the United States: 2022 - U.S. Census https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-279.html The average per capita income in the U.S. is $65,470. Average incomes by state range from $46,370 in Mississippi, to $95,970 in the District of Columbia.
States like Mississippi, Oklahoma and Arkansas have the lowest costs of living in the U.S, but also experience higher rates of poverty. According to the BLS, as of Q3 2023, the median weekly earnings of all employees in the United States was $1,118 U.S. dollars. [2] Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers Q3 2023 - BLS https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/wkyeng.pdf
Below is a breakdown of the average salary per capita in each U.S. state according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Source [3] Personal Income Statistics - Bureau of Economic Analysis https://apps.bea.gov/itable/?ReqID=70&step=1#eyJhcHBpZCI6NzAsInN0ZXBzIjpbMSwyOSwyNSwzMSwyNiwyNywzMF0sImRhdGEiOltbIlRhYmxlSWQiLCI2MDAiXSxbIk1ham9yX0FyZWEiLCIwIl0sWyJTdGF0ZSIsWyIwIl1dLFsiQXJlYSIsWyJYWCJdXSxbIlN0YXRpc3RpYyIsWyI1Il1dLFsiVW5pdF9vZl9tZWFzdXJlIiwiTGV2ZWxzIl0sWyJZZWFyIixbIjIwMjIiXV0sWyJZZWFyQmVnaW4iLCItMSJdLFsiWWVhcl9FbmQiLCItMSJdXX0=
Why do states have different average salaries?
There are various reasons why different U.S. states vary when it comes to average wages. Different skills and abilities are needed to do each job, and as no two jobs are alike, it's natural to have some variation depending on your occupation.
Occupations that have less variation among workers are more likely to have smaller wage differences. Take fast food servers for instance, who have fairly consistent levels of wages, and their job doesn't really change much depending on the company or state they work in, as the role tends to involve similar kinds of duties and skill levels.
Differences in education and professional qualifications
Some workers with more advanced education or professional qualifications may earn more than others in the same occupation due to their credentials and expertise, which is typically much sought after by employers. Also, workers with more experience, which is valued by employers, may also demand higher wages for the jobs they do.
Generally speaking, wages vary depending on the employer and the industry worked in. Training requirements, working conditions, clients, and job tasks are the main reasons why they may vary. Roles involving more complex tasks and responsibilities will naturally demand higher wages.
Top 10 states by educational attainment
Rankings from World Population Review show that Washington DC and Massachusetts top the list, as well as being the two states with the highest average salary. 59.8% of people in Washington D.C. have a Bachelor of Science Degree or above, with 44.5% of people in Massachusetts holding this level of education.
Colorado, New Jersey, Connecticut, New Hampshire and New York also rank in the top 10 for both average salary and educational attainment, demonstrating a clear link between education level and salary.
State | Bachelor of Science Degree or above |
District of Columbia | 59.8% |
Massachusetts | 44.5% |
Colorado | 41.6% |
Maryland | 40.9% |
New Jersey | 40.7% |
Connecticut | 40% |
Vermont | 39.7% |
Virginia | 39.5% |
New Hampshire | 37.6% |
New York | 37.5% |
Source [4] Most Educated States - World Population Review https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/most-educated-states
Varying costs of living in each state
That said, geographic location in terms of state is another reason why wages may vary. Some states may have higher costs of living, or more demands locally for certain types of work or professions, which is why some jobs may command a more competitive salary.
So in one particular state, it may be better to have a job as a teacher rather than a nurse, for example. Or, it may be more lucrative to have the same job, but in a different state. As a result, some Americans may find themselves relocating to a different state for better pay and benefits.
Change in average salaries over time in the U.S.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, wages in the U.S. increased 5.97% in June of 2023 over the same month in the previous year. [5] United States Wages and Salaries Growth - Trading Economics https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/wage-growth
Statistical research group Statista also claims that the U.S. rate of inflation (4.2%) overtook the growth of wages (3.2%) for the first time in many years in April 2021. In February 2023, the growth of wages went back to surpassing inflation for the first time since March 2021. [6] Wage Growth vs Inflation U.S. - Statista https://www.statista.com/statistics/1351276/wage-growth-vs-inflation-us/
Inflation’s effect on purchasing power
In 2022, there were high rates of inflation in the U.S. that caused Americans to lose value in their wages. This led to many citizens losing spending power in their wallets. Despite wages continuing to climb to 6.7% wage growth in summer 2022, this hasn't been enough to stave off higher inflation rates. If we go back even further to five years ago and a study back in 2018 conducted by the Pew Research Center, wage growth still hadn't increased in line with economists' expectations. Generally speaking, despite economic turbulence over the last few decades, the real average wage (after accounting for inflation), still has around the same purchasing power that it did 40 years ago. [7] For Most Workers, Real Wages Have Barely Budged in Decades - Pew Research https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2018/08/07/for-most-us-workers-real-wages-have-barely-budged-for-decades/ The disconnect between workers' pay and the job market has sparked activism for raising minimum wages in various states and cities.
According to data from the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, non-management private-sector workers earned an average of $22.65 per hour in July 2018, a 2.7% increase from the previous year. However, this growth is consistent with the modest wage increases of the past five years, ranging between 2% and 3% annually since 2013. As a comparison, before the 2007-08 financial crash, average hourly earnings often rose by around 4% each year. [7] For Most Workers, Real Wages Have Barely Budged in Decades - Pew Research https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2018/08/07/for-most-us-workers-real-wages-have-barely-budged-for-decades/
Despite these nominal wage increases, when adjusting for inflation, the purchasing power of today's average hourly wage is almost the same as it was in 1978. Real wages have been relatively stagnant since the 1980s, with little real growth. The highest recorded average hourly earnings in January 1973, at $4.03 per hour, would have the equivalent purchasing power of $23.68 in today's dollars. [7] For Most Workers, Real Wages Have Barely Budged in Decades - Pew Research https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2018/08/07/for-most-us-workers-real-wages-have-barely-budged-for-decades/
The minimum wage varies by state
The U.S. federal government sets a standard minimum wage of $7.25 that applies to all employees, however, each state can also decide their own minimum wage.
Washington D.C. has the highest minimum wage at $17 per hour, while many states offer the federal minimum of $7.25. Georgia and Wyoming have a minimum wage of $5.15 for employees not covered by the Fair Labor Standard Act (FSLA), however, the majority of workers in the U.S. are covered by the FSLA.
State | Minimum Wage |
Washington, D.C. | $17.00 |
Washington | $15.74 |
California | $15.50 |
Connecticut | $15.00 |
Massachusetts | $15.00 |
New York | $14.20 |
Oregon | $14.20 |
New Jersey | $14.13 (employers with > 6 employees) $11.90 (employers with < 6 employees) |
Arizona | $13.85 |
Maine | $13.80 |
Colorado | $13.65 |
Maryland | $13.25 |
Vermont | $13.18 |
Illinois | $13.00 |
Rhode Island | $13.00 |
Florida | $12.00 |
Hawaii | $12.00 |
Missouri | $12.00 |
New Mexico | $12.00 |
Virginia | $12.00 |
Delaware | $11.75 |
Nevada | $10.25 (if the employee is offered health benefits)$11.25 (if the employee is not offered health benefits) |
Arkansas | $11.00 |
Alaska | $10.85 |
South Dakota | $10.80 |
Minnesota | $8.63 (employers with gross revenue > $500,000)$10,59 (employers with gross revenue < $500,000) |
Nebraska | $10.50 |
Ohio | $10.10 |
Michigan | $10.10 |
Montana | $9.95 |
West Virginia | $8.75 ($7.25 for employers with less than six nonexempt employees working at one separate, distinct and permanent location) |
Alabama | $7.25 |
Louisiana | $7.25 |
Mississippi | $7.25 |
South Carolina | $7.25 |
Tennessee | $7.25 |
Idaho | $7.25 |
Indiana | $7.25 |
Iowa | $7.25 |
Kansas | $7.25 |
Kentucky | $7.25 |
New Hampshire | $7.25 |
North Carolina | $7.25 |
North Dakota | $7.25 |
Oklahoma | $7.25 |
Pennsylvania | $7.25 |
Texas | $7.25 |
Utah | $7.25 |
Wisconsin | $7.25 |
Georgia | $7.25 ($5.15 for employees not covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act) |
Wyoming | $7.25 ($5.15 for employees not covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act) |
Source [8] State Minimum Wage Laws - DOL https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/minimum-wage/state
Figures correct as of September 2023 and are subject to change.
Salaries by gender
Average salaries in the U.S. vary by gender as well as location. Statistics on earnings for full-time wage and salary workers as of Q3 2023 show that the median weekly salary for men is $1,209, which is approximately $62,868 over the year. For women, it’s $1,004 per week or $52,208 as an annual salary. This means the women’s median salary amounts to 84% of the men’s median salary. [2] Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers Q3 2023 - BLS https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/wkyeng.pdf
Men | Women |
$62,868 | $52,208 |
Source [2] Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers Q3 2023 - BLS https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/wkyeng.pdf
Difference in salary by age
When looking at median weekly earnings for full-time employees, those aged between 45 and 54 earn the most at $1,272 per week or $66,144 annually.
Age group | Median full-time weekly earnings | Median annual salary |
16-24 | $714 | $37,128 |
25-34 | $1,040 | $54,080 |
35-44 | $1,263 | $65,676 |
45-54 | $1,272 | $66,144 |
55-64 | $1,222 | $63,544 |
65 and over | $1,128 | $58,656 |
Source [2] Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers Q3 2023 - BLS https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/wkyeng.pdf
Average salaries for popular jobs in the U.S.
Below are some of the most common average salaries for workers working popular jobs across the U.S.
Average teacher salary by state
According to data from World Population Review, a teacher’s salary greatly depends on where you are based in terms of state; the average teacher salary across the U.S. is $62,812. New York has the highest-paid teachers with an average salary of $92,222 compared to the lowest average teacher salary of $47,162 in Mississippi. New York's average teacher salary is about 11.5% higher than the average earnings of a full-time, year-round employee.
Mississippi has the lowest average teacher salary, closely followed by South Dakota with a salary of $49,761. These are the only states that offer average annual teacher salaries of less than $50,000.
Average teacher salaries are also difficult to calculate because starting teachers who are at the beginning of their career are often paid much less than the average teacher (and often less than the livable wage in many states), because of their lack of experience. The District of Columbia and New Jersey have starting teacher salaries over $50,000. Montana has the lowest starting salary at $31,418, which is far less than its livable wage of $47,000. Thirty-four U.S. states have starting teacher salaries below $40,000 a year.
The table below shows the average teacher salary by state, from most to least.
State | Average teacher salary |
U.S. Average | $62,812 |
New York | $92,222 |
Massachusetts | $88,903 |
California | $87,275 |
District of Columbia | $82,523 |
Washington | $81,586 |
Connecticut | $81,185 |
New Jersey | $79,045 |
Rhode Island | $76,852 |
Maryland | $75,766 |
Alaska | $73,722 |
Pennsylvania | $72,428 |
Illinois | $72,301 |
Oregon | $69,671 |
Minnesota | $68,491 |
Hawaii | $67,000 |
Delaware | $65,647 |
Michigan | $65,198 |
Ohio | $63,153 |
Vermont | $62,866 |
New Hampshire | $62,783 |
Georgia | $61,249 |
Wyoming | $60,820 |
Wisconsin | $60,453 |
Virginia | $59,965 |
Iowa | $59,262 |
Texas | $58,887 |
Maine | $58,757 |
Utah | $58,619 |
Colorado | $58,481 |
Nevada | $57,804 |
Nebraska | $57,420 |
Alabama | $55,834 |
North Dakota | $55,769 |
Kansas | $54,815 |
Oklahoma | $54,804 |
Arizona | $54,580 |
Kentucky | $54,574 |
New Mexico | $54,272 |
Idaho | $54,232 |
Indiana | $54,126 |
North Carolina | $53,644 |
Montana | $53,628 |
Tennessee | $53,619 |
South Carolina | $53,393 |
Arkansas | $52,486 |
Missouri | $52,481 |
Louisiana | $52,376 |
Florida | $51,230 |
West Virginia | $50,315 |
South Dakota | $49,761 |
Mississippi | $47,162 |
Source [9] Teacher Pay by State - World Population Review https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/teacher-pay-by-state
Figures correct as of September 2023 and are subject to change.
Attorney salaries by state
Attorney salaries are higher than a lot of professions, but there is a lot of variation depending on the state you live in and where you practice law. According to Zippia, the average salary for an attorney in the U.S. is $84,971.
New York offers the highest average attorney salary of $130,648. Arkansas offers the lowest attorney salary, at less than half of that in New York, at $59,520.
The below table indicates the average attorney's salary based on location.
State | Average attorney salary | 10th percentile | 90th percentile |
State U.S. Average | Average attorney salary $84,971 | 10th percentile $53,571 | 90th percentile $133,184 |
State New York | Average attorney salary $130,648 | 10th percentile $85,000 | 90th percentile $199,000 |
State California | Average attorney salary $125,659 | 10th percentile $80,000 | 90th percentile $197,000 |
State Massachusetts | Average attorney salary $115,902 | 10th percentile $75,000 | 90th percentile $178,000 |
State Connecticut | Average attorney salary $107,945 | 10th percentile $69,000 | 90th percentile $167,000 |
State Virginia | Average attorney salary $105,281 | 10th percentile $66,000 | 90th percentile $165,000 |
State New Jersey | Average attorney salary $101,074 | 10th percentile $64,000 | 90th percentile $157,000 |
State New Mexico | Average attorney salary $101,051 | 10th percentile $62,000 | 90th percentile $164,000 |
State Delaware | Average attorney salary $100,929 | 10th percentile $64,000 | 90th percentile $157,000 |
State Mississippi | Average attorney salary $100,358 | 10th percentile $60,000 | 90th percentile $165,000 |
State North Dakota | Average attorney salary $97,400 | 10th percentile $64,000 | 90th percentile $146,000 |
State Vermont | Average attorney salary $95,743 | 10th percentile $61,000 | 90th percentile $148,000 |
State New Hampshire | Average attorney salary $95,225 | 10th percentile $61,000 | 90th percentile $147,000 |
State Rhode Island | Average attorney salary $94,525 | 10th percentile $60,000 | 90th percentile $147,000 |
State Arizona | Average attorney salary $93,188 | 10th percentile $57,000 | 90th percentile $151,000 |
State Colorado | Average attorney salary $92,676 | 10th percentile $59,000 | 90th percentile $145,000 |
State Maine | Average attorney salary $91,820 | 10th percentile $59,000 | 90th percentile $142,000 |
State Illinois | Average attorney salary $91,646 | 10th percentile $59,000 | 90th percentile $141,000 |
State Maryland | Average attorney salary $91,546 | 10th percentile $58,000 | 90th percentile $142,000 |
State Washington | Average attorney salary $90,337 | 10th percentile $57,000 | 90th percentile $143,000 |
State Texas | Average attorney salary $89,493 | 10th percentile $53,000 | 90th percentile $149,000 |
State Nevada | Average attorney salary $87,667 | 10th percentile $54,000 | 90th percentile $140,000 |
State Oregon | Average attorney salary $86,676 | 10th percentile $54,000 | 90th percentile $137,000 |
State Kentucky | Average attorney salary $85,827 | 10th percentile $54,000 | 90th percentile $135,000 |
State Georgia | Average attorney salary $83,232 | 10th percentile $50,000 | 90th percentile $136,000 |
State Pennsylvania | Average attorney salary $82,538 | 10th percentile $53,000 | 90th percentile $128,000 |
State West Virginia | Average attorney salary $81,422 | 10th percentile $51,000 | 90th percentile $127,000 |
State Louisiana | Average attorney salary $80,971 | 10th percentile $48,000 | 90th percentile $136,000 |
State Minnesota | Average attorney salary $79,839 | 10th percentile $52,000 | 90th percentile $121,000 |
State Florida | Average attorney salary $79,287 | 10th percentile $47,000 | 90th percentile $133,000 |
State North Carolina | Average attorney salary $77,681 | 10th percentile $48,000 | 90th percentile $124,000 |
State Michigan | Average attorney salary $77,633 | 10th percentile $50,000 | 90th percentile $120,000 |
State Utah | Average attorney salary $77,132 | 10th percentile $48,000 | 90th percentile $121,000 |
State Tennessee | Average attorney salary $76,057 | 10th percentile $47,000 | 90th percentile $122,000 |
State South Dakota | Average attorney salary $74,217 | 10th percentile $48,000 | 90th percentile $112,000 |
State Alaska | Average attorney salary $73,407 | 10th percentile $48,000 | 90th percentile $110,000 |
State Nebraska | Average attorney salary $73,161 | 10th percentile $47,000 | 90th percentile $112,000 |
State Ohio | Average attorney salary $72,939 | 10th percentile $46,000 | 90th percentile $113,000 |
State Alabama | Average attorney salary $72,110 | 10th percentile $43,000 | 90th percentile $119,000 |
State Hawaii | Average attorney salary $71,690 | 10th percentile $51,000 | 90th percentile $100,000 |
State Iowa | Average attorney salary $71,048 | 10th percentile $46,000 | 90th percentile $109,000 |
State Wisconsin | Average attorney salary $70,932 | 10th percentile $46,000 | 90th percentile $109,000 |
State Oklahoma | Average attorney salary $69,240 | 10th percentile $42,000 | 90th percentile $111,000 |
State Missouri | Average attorney salary $68,519 | 10th percentile $43,000 | 90th percentile $107,000 |
State Kansas | Average attorney salary $66,610 | 10th percentile $42,000 | 90th percentile $104,000 |
State Idaho | Average attorney salary $65,019 | 10th percentile $41,000 | 90th percentile $101,000 |
State Indiana | Average attorney salary $64,013 | 10th percentile $41,000 | 90th percentile $99,000 |
State South Carolina | Average attorney salary $62,861 | 10th percentile $38,000 | 90th percentile $102,000 |
State Wyoming | Average attorney salary $59,905 | 10th percentile $38,000 | 90th percentile $92,000 |
State Arkansas | Average attorney salary $59,520 | 10th percentile $36,000 | 90th percentile $96,000 |
Source [10] Attorney Salary by State - Zippia https://www.zippia.com/advice/attorney-salary-by-state/
Figures correct as of September 2023 and are subject to change.
Average nurse salary by state
The average salary for a registered nurse in the U.S. is $78,245 according to data from NurseLabs, but this varies greatly from state to state.
In California, registered nurse salaries average at $124,000, making it the best-paying state in the U.S. for wages in this sector.
California’s average nursing salary is more than double South Dakota’s average of $60,540. Differences in costs of living between various states can mean that some nurses cannot afford to move to other states to earn more, despite the offer of higher wages.
What nurses can earn in the U.S. depends on their experience, qualifications, industry, and where they are based. For instance, a nursing assistant will earn less than a nurse practitioner.
The table below features the typical average nurse salary in the U.S. by state.
State | Average nursing salary |
U.S. Average | $78,245 |
California | $124,000 |
Hawaii | $106,530 |
Oregon | $98,630 |
DC | $98,540 |
Alaska | $97,230 |
Massachusetts | $96,630 |
Washington | $95,350 |
New York | $93,320 |
New Jersey | $89,690 |
Nevada | $88,800 |
Connecticut | $88,530 |
Rhode Island | $85,270 |
Minnesota | $84,030 |
Maryland | $82,660 |
Arizona | $81,600 |
Colorado | $80,670 |
Texas | $79,120 |
New Hampshire | $78,270 |
Illinois | $78,260 |
Delaware | $77,760 |
New Mexico | $77,590 |
Wisconsin | $76,850 |
Virginia | $76,680 |
Pennsylvania | $76,000 |
Michigan | $75,930 |
Georgia | $75,380 |
Vermont | $75,160 |
Idaho | $73,640 |
Maine | $73,630 |
Montana | $73,610 |
Wyoming | $73,130 |
Utah | $72,790 |
Florida | $72,000 |
Ohio | $71,640 |
North Carolina | $71,200 |
North Dakota | $71,200 |
Louisiana | $70,380 |
Nebraska | $69,850 |
South Carolina | $69,580 |
Indiana | $68,890 |
Oklahoma | $68,180 |
Missouri | $67,790 |
West Virginia | $67,640 |
Kentucky | $67,260 |
Tennessee | $66,680 |
Kansas | $66,560 |
Arkansas | $65,810 |
Iowa | $64,990 |
Mississippi | $63,130 |
Alabama | $61,920 |
South Dakota | $60,540 |
Source [11] Nurse Salary: How Much Do Registered Nurses Earn? - Nurse Labs https://nurseslabs.com/nurse-salary-2022/
Figures correct as of September 2023 and are subject to change.
College professor salaries by state
College professors are among the highest-paid in the U.S. education system. Professor salaries typically range between $88,000 and $280,000 annually, based on data from Zippia on 01/09/2023. The average professor's salary in the United States is $146,987, as of September 2023.
Oregon Health and Science University pays the highest professor salaries of any academic institution. Professors earn the highest salaries in California ($184,725), Utah ($179,789), and New York ($179,258). The lowest average professor's salary is in Hawaii at $106,075, however, Hawaii has the most expensive cost of living in the U.S. [12] Cost of Living by State - Wise Voter https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/cost-of-living-by-state/ The table below features the typical average professor salary in the U.S. by state.
State | Average professor salary |
U.S. Average | $146,987 |
California | $184,725 |
Utah | $179,789 |
New York | $179,258 |
Connecticut | $175,104 |
District of Columbia | $170,189 |
Massachusetts | $169,102 |
North Dakota | $166,261 |
Alabama | $162,175 |
Michigan | $161,286 |
Oklahoma | $160,897 |
Oregon | $159,500 |
Texas | $158,884 |
Washington | $158,541 |
Mississippi | $158,105 |
Minnesota | $157,978 |
New Mexico | $157,242 |
Maine | $156,784 |
North Carolina | $155,201 |
Nevada | $154,883 |
Colorado | $153,528 |
Arkansas | $152,406 |
Indiana | $151,984 |
Pennsylvania | $149,559 |
Louisiana | $148,799 |
Alaska | $148,230 |
Arizona | $147,541 |
Nebraska | $144,196 |
Maryland | $142,323 |
Montana | $140,936 |
New Jersey | $140,543 |
Kentucky | $139,849 |
Rhode Island | $138,841 |
Wyoming | $138,639 |
Kansas | $138,292 |
Iowa | $137,685 |
Georgia | $136,806 |
West Virginia | $136,285 |
Ohio | $136,153 |
Missouri | $135,213 |
South Dakota | $133,861 |
Virginia | $133,009 |
South Carolina | $132,732 |
Idaho | $132,414 |
Delaware | $131,133 |
New Hampshire | $130,081 |
Tennessee | $127,349 |
Florida | $125,167 |
Illinois | $123,891 |
Vermont | $121,660 |
Wisconsin | $115,257 |
Hawaii | $106,075 |
Source [13] Professor Salary - Zippia https://www.zippia.com/professor-jobs/salary/
Figures correct as of September 2023 and are subject to change.
Factors that could influence college professor salaries
There are many factors that may influence a college professor's salary, including whether the institution they work at is public or private, the subject area they decide to teach, the level of education and experience they have, and regional or national demand for the institution they work at.
Generally speaking, professor salaries are high because of their expertise and contributions to academic research. Professors who have advanced degrees such as a PhD may earn greater salaries than those who don't have one. Similarly, those with greater levels of experience in their field can also earn higher figures.
Regional differences can have an impact on college professor salaries, with salaries greatly varying depending on where in the U.S. an institution is located. Local economic conditions, the costs of living, and the level of funding for education that is available in a region are all factors that can come into play. States like California and New York for instance have greater levels of funding available for higher education.
Average accountant salary by state
A typical accountant in the U.S. will earn an average salary of $49,954, according to data from Zippia.
New York has the highest-paid accountants with an average salary of $68,366 and potential earnings of $90,000 a year for those in the 90th percentile.
Other high-earning states for accountants include New Jersey with a $67,833 salary on average, and Massachusetts where accountants take home an average of $62,743 per year.
Accountants working in Hawaii will earn the lowest salary on average at $38,954.The table below features the typical average accountant salary in the U.S. by state.
State | Average accountant salary | 10th percentile | 90th percentile |
State U.S. Average | Average accountant salary $49,954 | 10th percentile $36,940 | 90th percentile $66,040 |
State New York | Average accountant salary $68,366 | 10th percentile $51,000 | 90th percentile $90,000 |
State New Jersey | Average accountant salary $67,833 | 10th percentile $50,000 | 90th percentile $90,000 |
State Massachusetts | Average accountant salary $62,743 | 10th percentile $47,000 | 90th percentile $82,000 |
State Connecticut | Average accountant salary $62,386 | 10th percentile $47,000 | 90th percentile $82,000 |
State Rhode Island | Average accountant salary $60,990 | 10th percentile $46,000 | 90th percentile $80,000 |
State Virginia | Average accountant salary $60,099 | 10th percentile $44,000 | 90th percentile $80,000 |
State Delaware | Average accountant salary $59,242 | 10th percentile $44,000 | 90th percentile $78,000 |
State Maryland | Average accountant salary $58,489 | 10th percentile $43,000 | 90th percentile $78,000 |
State Washington | Average accountant salary $56,929 | 10th percentile $42,000 | 90th percentile $76,000 |
State Alaska | Average accountant salary $55,612 | 10th percentile $45,000 | 90th percentile $67,000 |
State California | Average accountant salary $55,339 | 10th percentile $40,000 | 90th percentile $76,000 |
State New Hampshire | Average accountant salary $54,960 | 10th percentile $41,000 | 90th percentile $72,000 |
State Pennsylvania | Average accountant salary $54,607 | 10th percentile $40,000 | 90th percentile $72,000 |
State Oregon | Average accountant salary $52,823 | 10th percentile $38,000 | 90th percentile $72,000 |
State Colorado | Average accountant salary $52,649 | 10th percentile $39,000 | 90th percentile $70,000 |
State Vermont | Average accountant salary $52,073 | 10th percentile $39,000 | 90th percentile $68,000 |
State North Carolina | Average accountant salary $51,783 | 10th percentile $38,000 | 90th percentile $69,000 |
State Michigan | Average accountant salary $51,209 | 10th percentile $38,000 | 90th percentile $68,000 |
State Minnesota | Average accountant salary $50,767 | 10th percentile $38,000 | 90th percentile $67,000 |
State Maine | Average accountant salary $50,399 | 10th percentile $38,000 | 90th percentile $66,000 |
State Illinois | Average accountant salary $50,229 | 10th percentile $37,000 | 90th percentile $66,000 |
State Georgia | Average accountant salary $49,935 | 10th percentile $37,000 | 90th percentile $67,000 |
State Wisconsin | Average accountant salary $49,883 | 10th percentile $37,000 | 90th percentile $66,000 |
State Texas | Average accountant salary $49,856 | 10th percentile $36,000 | 90th percentile $67,000 |
State Ohio | Average accountant salary $49,196 | 10th percentile $36,000 | 90th percentile $65,000 |
State Arizona | Average accountant salary $47,972 | 10th percentile $35,000 | 90th percentile $64,000 |
State Indiana | Average accountant salary $47,841 | 10th percentile $35,000 | 90th percentile $63,000 |
State Nevada | Average accountant salary $46,895 | 10th percentile $34,000 | 90th percentile $64,000 |
State Iowa | Average accountant salary $46,149 | 10th percentile $34,000 | 90th percentile $61,000 |
State South Dakota | Average accountant salary $46,027 | 10th percentile $34,000 | 90th percentile $60,000 |
State Kentucky | Average accountant salary $45,426 | 10th percentile $34,000 | 90th percentile $60,000 |
State Oklahoma | Average accountant salary $45,280 | 10th percentile $33,000 | 90th percentile $60,000 |
State Idaho | Average accountant salary $45,231 | 10th percentile $33,000 | 90th percentile $60,000 |
State New Mexico | Average accountant salary $45,154 | 10th percentile $33,000 | 90th percentile $61,000 |
State Utah | Average accountant salary $45,148 | 10th percentile $33,000 | 90th percentile $60,000 |
State Florida | Average accountant salary $45,139 | 10th percentile $32,000 | 90th percentile $61,000 |
State South Carolina | Average accountant salary $45,123 | 10th percentile $33,000 | 90th percentile $60,000 |
State Missouri | Average accountant salary $44,893 | 10th percentile $33,000 | 90th percentile $59,000 |
State Kansas | Average accountant salary $44,835 | 10th percentile $33,000 | 90th percentile $59,000 |
State Nebraska | Average accountant salary $44,642 | 10th percentile $33,000 | 90th percentile $59,000 |
State Tennessee | Average accountant salary $44,616 | 10th percentile $33,000 | 90th percentile $59,000 |
State Alabama | Average accountant salary $44,027 | 10th percentile $32,000 | 90th percentile $59,000 |
State West Virginia | Average accountant salary $43,817 | 10th percentile $32,000 | 90th percentile $58,000 |
State Montana | Average accountant salary $43,390 | 10th percentile $32,000 | 90th percentile $57,000 |
State Arkansas | Average accountant salary $42,844 | 10th percentile $31,000 | 90th percentile $57,000 |
State Louisiana | Average accountant salary $42,765 | 10th percentile $31,000 | 90th percentile $58,000 |
State Wyoming | Average accountant salary $42,614 | 10th percentile $32,000 | 90th percentile $56,000 |
State Mississippi | Average accountant salary $40,889 | 10th percentile $30,000 | 90th percentile $55,000 |
State North Dakota | Average accountant salary $39,626 | 10th percentile $29,000 | 90th percentile $52,000 |
State Hawaii | Average accountant salary $38,954 | 10th percentile $32,000 | 90th percentile $46,000 |
Source [14] Accountant Salary by State - Zippia https://www.zippia.com/advice/accountant-salary-by-state/
Figures correct as of September 2023 and are subject to change.
Factors that could affect how much an accountant earns
The salary you can earn as an accountant depends on various factors like level of education and experience, and geographic location. An accountant with a master's degree for example is likely to have a greater advantage in the job market.
Having certification will also bring a higher salary and other opportunities for promotion. Accountancy salaries also depend on the size of the organization you work for, the sector or industry you work in (insurance, healthcare etc.), and your level of negotiating skills.
- [1] Income in the United States: 2022 - U.S. Census https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-279.html
- [2] Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers Q3 2023 - BLS https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/wkyeng.pdf
- [3] Personal Income Statistics - Bureau of Economic Analysis https://apps.bea.gov/itable/?ReqID=70&step=1#eyJhcHBpZCI6NzAsInN0ZXBzIjpbMSwyOSwyNSwzMSwyNiwyNywzMF0sImRhdGEiOltbIlRhYmxlSWQiLCI2MDAiXSxbIk1ham9yX0FyZWEiLCIwIl0sWyJTdGF0ZSIsWyIwIl1dLFsiQXJlYSIsWyJYWCJdXSxbIlN0YXRpc3RpYyIsWyI1Il1dLFsiVW5pdF9vZl9tZWFzdXJlIiwiTGV2ZWxzIl0sWyJZZWFyIixbIjIwMjIiXV0sWyJZZWFyQmVnaW4iLCItMSJdLFsiWWVhcl9FbmQiLCItMSJdXX0=
- [4] Most Educated States - World Population Review https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/most-educated-states
- [5] United States Wages and Salaries Growth - Trading Economics https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/wage-growth
- [6] Wage Growth vs Inflation U.S. - Statista https://www.statista.com/statistics/1351276/wage-growth-vs-inflation-us/
- [7] For Most Workers, Real Wages Have Barely Budged in Decades - Pew Research https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2018/08/07/for-most-us-workers-real-wages-have-barely-budged-for-decades/
- [8] State Minimum Wage Laws - DOL https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/minimum-wage/state
- [9] Teacher Pay by State - World Population Review https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/teacher-pay-by-state
- [10] Attorney Salary by State - Zippia https://www.zippia.com/advice/attorney-salary-by-state/
- [11] Nurse Salary: How Much Do Registered Nurses Earn? - Nurse Labs https://nurseslabs.com/nurse-salary-2022/
- [12] Cost of Living by State - Wise Voter https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/cost-of-living-by-state/
- [13] Professor Salary - Zippia https://www.zippia.com/professor-jobs/salary/
- [14] Accountant Salary by State - Zippia https://www.zippia.com/advice/accountant-salary-by-state/