Personal Finance

How to File Taxes Without a Social Security Number Header - 01How to File Taxes Without a Social Security Number
March 26, 2023
Do you need a social security number to file taxes? Here’s everything you need to know about the required documentation for filing accurately during tax season. Read more.
DES-305-5Smart Ways to Use Your Tax Refund
March 14, 2023
If you're expecting a refund from Uncle Sam this tax season, it's important to spend it wisely. Here are 8 financially savvy ways to put your tax refund to good use. Read more.
How to Stop Wage Garnishmen Header - 01How to Stop Wage Garnishment
March 8, 2023
Wage garnishment occurs when a creditor takes a portion of your paycheck to help settle a past debt. We provide ways how to prevent this from happening below. Read more.
1-1 (4)8 Ways to Spring Clean Your Finances
March 5, 2023
Spring is here. And with the sight of flowers blooming and birds chirping comes spring cleaning. Besides decluttering your home, dusting forgotten corners, and sprucing up your abode, give your "money house" a good once-over with this step-by-step guide. Read more.
1-2-minMeet Jacent Wamala, Host of the Self Podcast
February 22, 2023
Follow along to hear more about her story as a therapist turned money mindset coach, plus her experience hosting our first ever podcast series. Read more.
What Is Bill Pay and Why to Consider It Header - 01What Is Bill Pay and Why to Consider It?
February 13, 2023
Bill pay is a great option if you’re looking for a better way to manage your bills and make payments. This guide will discuss some of the basics of bill pay. Read more.
How to Create a Personal Balance Sheet (Examples & Templates) Header - 01How to Create a Personal Balance Sheet (Examples & Templates)
February 7, 2023
Creating a personal balance sheet is a great way to keep track of your overall financial situation and help you make smart, sustainable money decisions. Read more.
262Understanding Your Financial Love Language
February 1, 2023
You might have heard of the classic love languages, but there are also financial love languages. Let's break down each of these "money love languages” and how they translate into a relationship. Read more.