Curious about how to get a credit card for the first time? If you’re planning on applying for a credit card, keep reading for tips on how to apply and more.
Here, we'll look at credit cards to build credit, how they can be a boon to students who are starting out their credit-building journey, and what features to look at when deciding what kind of card to open. Read more.
In this post, we discuss how opening a new credit card can affect your credit score with examples of scenarios of what could happen if you do. Read more.
APR means Annual Percentage Rate. It represents the total interest on the money you borrow annually. We’ll explain how it works and the types of APRs out there. Read more.
How much a secured credit card impacts your credit score varies based on several factors. We'll explain how it works and what you can do to build your credit. Read more.
Compare charge cards and credit cards with Self to learn the key differences, benefits, and drawbacks. Find out which option best suits your financial goals. Read more.
A popular guideline from Fidelity advises you to have at least 1x your income by the time you are 30. Learn more about recommended retirement savings here. Read more.
A strong credit foundation can give you access to financing which can help you reach your goals and sync your dreams to your reality. Here, we'll walk you through our top credit building tips. Read more.