It is best to pay off your credit card by the end of each billing cycle if you are able to do so. We'll explain what happens if you don't end up paying. Read more.
Paying off your collection account may improve your credit score and will depend on the credit scoring model that your lender used and the type of debt. Read more.
Not using a credit card on its own will have no impact in the short-term, but if a credit card is closed due to inactivity, it may hurt your credit score. Read more.
The best way to have your Chase overdraft fees refunded is by contacting a Chase representative. You can get in touch with them by calling 1-800-935-9935. Read more.
In this article, we explain the details of FICO® Score 9, FICO® credit scoring factors, the differences between FICO® Score 8 and 9 and credit-building tips. Read more.
When paying back a loan or credit card, you should think about your principal vs. interest. Read on to learn the differences and how they impact your debt. Read more.
In this article, we detail what credit score you need for an Amazon card, the approval process, what to do if you’re denied and how the process impacts your credit. Read more.