Remember that interest is an added cost of using your credit card. Interest is also not tax-deductible. So, read on and learn how to lower your credit card interest rate and save money. Read more.
Some types of interest are tax deductible, but is credit card interest tax deductible? Learn more about credit card interest and how it relates to taxes. Read more.
What debts are forgiven at death? Though debt can seem impossible to shake, there are a couple of types that actually are forgiven when you pass. Read this article in order to be prepared. Read more.
Traditionally, there are six different types of bank accounts offered by financial institutions. Here's how to choose which ones are right for you. Read more.
Overdraft fees and other bank fees can easily catch people off guard, but it’s simple to get overdraft fees refunded: in most cases, you just have to ask. Read more.
There isn't a hard and fast rule for how much to spend on groceries, so this guide is meant to help you figure out what will work for your diet and budget. Read more.