Personal Finance Blog

What Does Your Credit Score Start at Header - 01What Does Your Credit Score Start At?
April 10, 2023
You don’t receive a credit score until you establish credit history. Then, your score will be unique to you. Learn more about starting credit scores here. Read more.
What is a Utility Bill and Can It Build Credit Header - 01What Is a Utility Bill and Can It Build Credit?
April 9, 2023
A utility bill is a monthly statement showing the total balance of a household’s use of an essential service, such as electricity, water, or natural gas. Read more.
Can You Pay Rent With a Credit Card Header - 01Can You Pay Rent With a Credit Card?
April 3, 2023
While it may vary depending on each individual’s financial situation, paying rent with a credit card typically has bigger disadvantages than advantages. Read more.
VantageScore vs. FICO Header - 01VantageScore® vs. FICO®: How Credit Score Models Differ
March 29, 2023
VantageScore® and FICO® are both credit scoring models but have some key differences. Read on to learn how the two compare and impact your credit score. Read more.
How to Rebuild Your Credit 8 Effective Strategies Header - 01How to Rebuild Your Credit: 8 Effective Strategies
March 28, 2023
Ways to rebuild credit include: keeping your credit utilization ratio low, using a secured credit card, and becoming an authorized user. Get started right away. Read more.
How to Update Your Credit Report Quickly (Rapid Rescoring) Header - 01How to Update Your Credit Report Quickly (Rapid Rescoring)
March 26, 2023
If you’re applying for a time-sensitive loan, a lender may be able to use a rapid rescore to update your credit report quickly to show recent positive changes. Read more.
How to File Taxes Without a Social Security Number Header - 01How to File Taxes Without a Social Security Number
March 26, 2023
Do you need a social security number to file taxes? Here’s everything you need to know about the required documentation for filing accurately during tax season. Read more.
Does Opening a Checking Account Affect Your Credit Score Header - 01Does Opening a Checking Account Affect Your Credit Score?
March 22, 2023
Opening a new bank account likely won’t affect your credit. Banks use ChexSystems to screen your banking history, which doesn’t impact your credit score. Read more.